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Maths Competitions!

Posted on: 02/02/2024

TT rockstars   header image

TT rockstars   4 houses

This week we had our Spring Term Times Tables Rockstars competition, where children from Year 3 to Year 6 competed in houses to see who could answer the most times tables questions in one week!

In addition, for Years 1 and 2, we had our very first Numbots competition where children answered as many questions on the app as they could (which included subitising, number bonds and addition & subtraction).


TT rockstars and Numberbots





Times Tables Rockstars:

In the Autumn term, the children across Key Stage Two answered 37,967 times tables questions in the competition. This week we were blown away, with 90,774 questions being answered in total!! Twining House are the reigning champions, winning the competition this week, with Exeter in a close second. 



This week, an average of 232 questions were answered correctly per child! 


TT rockstars and Numberbots   The results

A fantastic effort from all of our children across KS1 and KS2! 

Both TTRS and Numbots develop fluency and understanding of number and we are encouraging all children to take part as part of their weekly homework. 


Fun maths

