Weekly Task Sheets (Covid-19)
Home Learning 2019 - 2020
Home Learning for Term 6 (June/July 2020):
Our teachers and support staff have been working very hard to ensure that they continue to offer your child a varied curriculum for learning, whether your child is able to attend school or is continuing to learn at home. We understand that this is more difficult during this time and we enormously appreciate parents’ and carers’ hard work on this.
Weekly Task Sheets are available below (a link is emailed to parents on Fridays for the week ahead). Please click here for the Weekly Task Sheets for your class.
Each week, families also sent a video from their child’s class teacher, introducing the week’s learning.
Further information about the term’s learning can also be found in our half-termly Class Newsletters.
We’d like to reiterate that, with your own unique home circumstance, there is no ‘right way’ to approach Home Learning. Looking after our mental health and wellbeing is the most important thing to do at this difficult time and we continue to be here to support you in any way we can.
Please do contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions about Home Learning or if there’s anything else we can do to help: office@stcd.co.uk