Subjects: Curriculum and Progression
Curriculum Overviews and Progression of Knowledge and Skills
The Primary National Curriculum is organised into Key Stage One (KS1) for children aged 5 to 7 and Key Stage Two (KS2) for children aged 7 to 11. Classes at St Clement Danes are organised by National Curriculum year groups with approximately thirty children in each class.
Our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), for children aged 3 to 5, is organised into two classes: Nursery and Reception. The EYFS Framework is structured differently to KS1 and KS2’s National Curriculum. In the EYFS, learning is organised across seven Areas of Learning, rather than 'subject' areas. The skills and knowledge taught across EYFS feed into learning in KS1 and KS2.
Please click the links below to find information an overview of the curriculum for each subject and information about the progression of knowledge and skills that children will acquire at each stage:
Modern Foreign Language: Spanish
Personal, Social, Economic & Health Education (PSHE)
There is a policy and a scheme of work for each subject and any interested parent or carer who would like to look at these can do so by contacting the subject leader. Email: office@stcd.co.uk