Remote Learning
Remote Learning
What is our approach to Remote Learning? Please click the blue bar below and also scroll further down this page:
Remote Learning: A Guide for Parents
If your child is unable to attend school, please know that our staff team is dedicated to doing all we can to support you through this time and we are so looking forward to welcoming you back to school as soon as possible!
Learning Resources
For resources and suggestions for Home Learning, please click here:
If you would like any further support, guidance or suggestions, please always feel free to contact your child's class teacher and they'll be happy to help.
Class Curriculum NewslettersNewsletters are provided by teachers with information about the term’s curriculum, learning targets and additional resources for learning, including suggestions for daily timetables and routines. Further information about the curriculum can also be found here: |
School NewslettersSchool Newsletters with weekly news, information and updates are published at the start of each week and are available in the News section of the school website: School Newsletters |
School BlogsBlogs with further support and suggestions are published on the school website: School Blogs |
Online SafetyFor important information and advice about keeping safe online, please click here: Staying Safe Online |
SEND SupportFurther resources are available to support children with SEND and their parents: SEND Support Our Inclusion Leader, Ms Francis can be contacted via office@stcd.co.uk |
Contacts and SupportIf you need someone to talk to or would like any further support, please don’t hesitate to get in contact and we will be happy to help in whatever way we can. For further support with Remote Learning, teachers can be contacted via the school office: office@stcd.co.uk Remember that as the support of our well our wonderful staff, including our Family Practitioner Viv Sanassy, school also offer the support of a MIND Education Mental Health Practitioner: click here for more information. |
Parent Feedback
Here is some parent feedback on the school's remote learning provision: