Safeguarding and Child Protection
Every child has the right to grow up in a caring and safe environment. Where this is not the case, we have a duty to report concerns.
What to do if you are worried about a child
If you are concerned that a child or young person is being harmed through abuse or neglect you should contact Westminster’s Children's Services Team on 020 7641 4000 or the Police on 999 in emergency situations. The NSPCC Helpline can be contacted for advice on 0808 800 5000.
Within school
Ms Coxhead is the school Designated Safeguarding Lead and the Child Protection Officer.
Ms Fostiropoulos (Deputy Headteacher) and Ms Sanassy (Family Practitioner) are the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads.
They can be contacted by telephone on 020 3096 9745.