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Year 5 meet the Chelsea Pensioners

Posted on: 31/01/2025

This week Year 5 have taken part in a wonderful intergenerational project with Chelsea Pensioners from The Royal Hospital - Roger, Tony, Alan, Mike, Helen and Ivor.

On Monday the children interviewed our special guests and heard fascinating tales from their lives.

Through a series of workshops with Anna the Storyteller, each afternoon this week, Year 5 composed and rehearsed sketches of the amazing stories they'd heard.

At the end the week on Friday, the Chelsea Pensioners returned to St Clement Danes and Year 5 performed tales from their life stories, to Roger, Tony, Alan, Mike, Helen, Ivor and a spellbound audience of parents and children. 

This has been such a special and very moving project. Enormous thanks to Anna the Storyteller and to the Chelsea Pensioners. It's been a great privilege to welcome them to St Clement Danes.


Monday 27th January - Year 5 meet and interview the Chelsea Pensioners:

Blog pics   Monday 1

Blog pics   Monday 2


Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday - Year 5 take part in a series of workshops with Anna the Storyteller:

Blog pics   workshops


Friday 31st January - Year 5 perform to their parents and the Chelsea Pensioners:

Blog pics   Friday 1

Blog pics   Friday 2


Precious gifts generously given to our school by the Chelsea Pensioners:

Blog pics   Friday 3


Thursday 13th February - Year 5 visit the Royal Hospital in Chelsea:

Royal Hospital 13.02.25   pics 1

Royal Hospital 13.02.25   pics 2

Royal Hospital 13.02.25   pics 3

Royal Hospital 13.02.25   pics 4   tour

