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Food Glorious Food!

Posted on: 21/04/2020

Food glorious food 2









What did you have for lunch today? Where did your food come from?

Where does our food come from?


Find a healthy recipe to follow or invent your own!

Miss Karen’s Goujons Recipe

More recipe ideas


Important reminder:

Always ask for permission from your parent or carer before cooking. Cooking is lots of fun but we must always remember to be careful and safe in our kitchens. Follow your adult’s rules carefully. Here are some reminders:

Kitchen safety reminders

Food safety reminders


Have a go at growing your own ingredients!

Did you know that it's possible to grow fresh vegetables from cut-offs and scraps? Click here to see how. 

Have you tasted cress before? It makes a great garnish or a tasty addition to a healthy salad or sandwich! Click here to find out how to grow your own and make a funny hairstyle for an egghead! 

Perhaps you could try growing your own herbs... Click here for ideas. 


Literacy Kitchen Challenge:

Look closely at the format of recipe texts. Notice how the instructions have been written and formatted. See how many imperative verbs (bossy verbs!) you can spot in recipe books at home.

Cooking verbs


Maths Kitchen Challenge:

Cooking and working in the kitchen provides fantastic opportunities to develop your Maths skills: using kitchen scales to measure out ingredients, converting units of measure, counting out quantities and even laying the table!

Early Years: Setting the Table


If you find or invent a tasty recipe, please email it to school – your teachers and TAs would love to try out your recipes in their homes! Thank you!

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