
Latest News

The Power of Play

Posted on: 14/05/2020

Play main quote


For children of all ages, play is a hugely important part of learning and development.


Why is play important? - Please click this link.

"Play is a powerful tool. Adults and children alike, we’re all getting to grips with how to live in this new, temporary ‘normal’. But children have one simple, yet powerful tool at their fingertips to help them cope with the anxiety caused by a pandemic. Play. Whether they’re battling boredom, pining for the playground or generally unsure about the current situation, play helps children be more resilient and feel better." - Great Ormond Street Hospital

To read more about the benefits of play in child development, please click here.


PLay building blocks



A treasure trove of ideas for play - for all ages:


Please click on the blue links below...

Playful ideas from GOSH

Hooray Play's blog for inspiration

Visit Dr Gummer's Good Play Guide and use the menu of the left-hand side of the website to search for inspiration by age - from Nursery to Year 6:

Play ideas from the Good Play Guide

'Boredom Busters' for KS2


Take a look at these playful ideas from Hooray Play. Feel free to take ideas from other classes as well as your own:

Play ideas for Nursery and Reception

Play ideas for Year 1

Play ideas for Year 2

Play ideas for Year 3

Play ideas for Year 4

Play ideas for Year 5

Play ideas for Year 6

More play ideas for all ages


Information & ideas for Early Years parents: Learning through play at home (click here)


The role of play in development


Further Information for Parents:

Why is play important?

Early Childhood Play

The Role of Play in a Child's Development

More information about play in the Early Years

30 reasons why free play benefits child development

