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The Day The Crayons Came Home
Posted on: 19/05/2020
We hope you'll enjoy listening to this next instalment from the crayons, 'The Day The Crayons Came Home' read for you by school staff (parents have been emailed a link to the video).
Here are some learning activities that you could try after listening to the story....
Write another crayon story:
- 'The Day The Crayons Went To The Park'
-'The Day The Crayons Stayed At Home'
- 'The Day The Crayons Took Part In Home Learning'
- 'The Day The Crayons Went Back To School'
- 'The Day The Crayons .....'
What other places might Neon Red crayon travel to? Write a postcard from the place.
Click here for some postcard templates: Postcard 1 Postcard 2
Write a reply from Green Crayon to Yellow and Orange about green being the colour of the sun.
Write a letter or postcard from Duncan to his little brother about how to look after his crayons.
Write letters or postcards from the other characters in the book: Paper Clip, Pencil Sharpener, Sock and Pencil.
What would Pencil Sharpener say to Gold Crayon?
Junk modelling challenge: design and create a home for your crayons, pens and pencils!
Write a new story: The Adventures Of Esteban The Magnificent (Formally Known As Pea Green)